This reminds me of a huge shit I took today.
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This reminds me of a huge shit I took today.
no ur computer must b a mirror
I totally love this movie for some strange reason.
Me too.
This movie wasn't too good... :/
And no I'm not giving you a bad score because you're a clock (the clocks are awesome) and I have no idea what the fuck a lock is. You actually have a point sometimes... some idiots on NG blam movies for stupid reasons (trust me, it's happened to me plenty of times). But this movie wasn't really that good (in my opinion). Maybe it will do better on the next part, eh?
It's doing better than the first e.p still, even after them 3 n00bs (They have to be the same person.. Or just following like mindless sheep) and I do respect your opinion. E.p3 by the looks of it WILL be better than this, there seems to be a trait going on.
Age 99
Phoenix, AZ
Joined on 10/2/01